Thirty Days of Prompts and Opportunities for Solidarity: Week Four

Thirty Days of Prompts and Opportunities for Solidarity: Week Four
Welcome to the Shitshow, part 857, Trump 2.0, Climate Collapse, Chapter 43.
Regardless of who is in office, solidarity, mutual aid and community are what keep us safe. I’ve put together these daily prompts and opportunities for solidarity (i.e. folks doing work that you can support if you are able/ feel so inclined), as a way to connect with others, reflect on where and how you can plug in, and to keep us all thinking about liberation. The prompts are meant for writing (alone or with others), conversation starters, ideas for art projects or actions or whatever you’d like! In my workshops and classes, I generally set a timer for 10 minutes, folks write, then everyone takes turns reading aloud. But there are no rules here in this anarchist space…Collect them all, write alone in your room while listening to Dead Prez, or host a gathering/writing workshop! Write songs and poetry! Embroider the words onto a pillow for your lover! Build community! Host a fundraiser for one or more networks mentioned! Host a potluck, Eat the rich! xo

Prompt, Day 22: What helps you build trust in your relationships and in your community?
Opportunity for Solidarity: Lakota People's Law Project aims to assist in the reclamation of Indigenous lands and to stop threats to Lakota — and all Indigenous — culture. They also work closely with tribal nations, traditional Indigenous Leaders, and nonprofit compatriots to amplify Indigenous voices, provide renewable solutions in place of fossil fuel consumption, protect the voting rights of Native people, and provide on the ground support when and where it is needed most. That includes working with organizers to advance LGTBQ2S rights in Indian Country.
Prompt, Day 23: What are you afraid of? How do you push past that fear?
Opportunity for Solidarity: UndocuFund is a mutual aid project for Sonoma County’s undocumented community members. It was founded in 2017 as the Tubbs wildfire burned across Sonoma County.
Prompt, Day 24: How do you celebrate your victories?
Opportunity for Solidarity: Herbalista's mission is to provide the tools, the encouragement, and the lived examples of how we can create that healthier world together. They sponsor free community health services and education, and share their Herbalista Model of Care in person and with the greater community, via the web.
Prompt, Day 25: Write a love letter to a mentor. Write a love letter to yourself from the future.
Opportunity for Solidarity: TransFamily Support Services guide transgender/non-binary youth and their families through the gender transitioning process to help make it the most positive experience possible. We provide family coaching, assistance with healthcare and insurance issues, help navigating the legal system, and support at schools. All services are provided at no fee.
Prompt, Day 26: Who do you love? What would you do for them? How can you extend that love to your community?
Opportunity for Solidarity: THRIVE Support Services (SS) is an agency on a mission to achieve health equity for Black communities through direct support advocacy and building collective community power. THRIVE SS facilitates linkage to culturally competent medical and non-medical service providers for people living with HIV/AIDS in the Metropolitan Atlanta area.
Prompt, Day 27: Emma Goldman said (something along the lines of): “If I can’t dance, its not my revolution!” What joyous thing is a necessity in YOUR idea of revolution?
Opportunity for Solidarity: twins city trans mutual aid: Twin Cities Trans Mutual Aid Supports and amplifies the material needs of trans folks in the Twin Cities, Minnesota.
Prompt, Day 28: Write a fake personal ad for the worst politician of the week.
Opportunity for Solidarity: SLC mutual aid: Salt Lake Community Mutual Aid builds anti-capitalist resilience by facilitating mutual aid projects & practicing community care.
Prompt, Day 29: Who are you collaborating with? In what ways are you stronger together?
Opportunity for Solidarity: Central Arkansas Harm Reduction Project is a grassroots organization based in Little Rock, Arkansas created by and for people impacted by the War on Drugs. They stand side-by-side with people in their community to offer love and support and operate a hotline anyone can text to receive resources for safer drug use and safer sex.
Prompt, Day 30: The Future: What do you want it to look like? How do we get there?
Opportunity for Solidarity: The SWANA Rose Culture + Community Center is a gathering space for those with lineages tied to Southwest Asia and North Africa, focused on reclamation, remembering and resistance, through education, arts and intersectional solidarity.
P.S. More music for you. Happy Valentine's Day!