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Don't Just Do Nothing to Counter Fascism!

20 Things You Can Do to Counter Fascism – Yes, You! Yes, Now!

As fascism rises, appealing to the state is futile; instead, individuals must act collectively to counter it. This text emphasizes the importance of building relationships, mutual aid, and solidarity, drawing inspiration from Jewish anarchist teachings and historical examples of resistance. It encourages readers to engage in various actions, such as creating art, supporting those in need, and fostering global connections, to build a more just and liberatory world.

No State Solution

On Social War, Israel, And the Alibi of the State

by Shuli Branson

"When I say there is no real political solution, I mean that the only solution is a no state solution. What would it take for Israel to give up statehood? For Palestinians not to desire statehood? For the US to give up its own statehood? All of these things are connected."

Ancestors of Place

Community, Land and Connection in Sonoma County

by Dani Burlison

"These ten interviews represent just the tiniest sliver of a fraction of who lives here in Sonoma County but I do hope their thoughts and this chapbook offers insight and sparks questions and dialogue about these topics and helps build stronger bonds of collective care"

Training Martial Arts for Anti-Fascism

What to train, how to begin, what to focus on, and how to prepare for real world community defense.

Hopefully this zine will have you better prepared to choose effective martial arts to study, locate a convenient gym that offers them, train in the correct ratios, and be mentally and physically conditioned for a variety of scenarios.

De-Arrest Primer

"Even just bolstering a conflictual disposition towards repressive forces and encouraging decisive action are a worthy goal even without the added benefit of helping free someone. There's plenty of excellent reasons to break the spell of self-policing and risk charges in order to fight back..."

Stealing Away in America

"When black folks rise up and attack property, they’re also attacking whiteness. That is an understanding that goes back to the plantation: When you attack your status as property, you attack whiteness as domination over you."